Traffic Source

  • Number:It shows current number of source and max.You cound add 100 at most.
  • Direct Visit:It shows proportion to visit My Site directly,not use source.
  • Source List:It shows all source details.You could select one row to change or delete.
  • Edit Source:It shows to add source quickly by Source.You could select source in the list to change or delete.
  • Bulk Adding:Add source text in batch with row as unit which shows a source.Format:Source,Proportion,Traffic Source,for example, '1,10,Traffic' shows 'Baidu Key Word',Proportion
    is 10%,Traffic Source is traffic,source defined as below.
    0: Customized Source.It needs to enter complete source site,for example,
    1: Baidu Key Word.Just enter key word,Spirit will automatically generate sites with search result.
    2: Google Key Word.Just enter key word,Spirit will automatically generate sites with search result.
    3: 360 Key Word.Just enter key word,Spirit will automatically generate sites with search result.
    4: Sou Gou Key Word.Just enter key word,Spirit will automatically generate sites with search result.
    5: Bing Key Word.Just enter key word,Spirit will automatically generate sites with search result.
    6: TaiWan Yahoo Key Word.Just enter key word,Spirit will automatically generate sites with search result.
    7: TaoBao Goods of Key Word.Just enter key word,Spirit will automatically generate sites with search result.
    8: TaoBao Store of Key Word.Just enter key word,Spirit will automatically generate sites with search result.
    9: Alibaba Key Word.Just enter key word,Spirit will automatically generate sites with search result.
    10: TMALL Key Word.Just enter key word,Spirit will automatically generate sites with search result.
    11: JD Key Word,once enter key word,Spirit will automatically generate sites with search result.
    Proportion can't exceed 100%,number of source added not 100 when bulk adding for source.
FAQ:What's meaning of Traffic Source?
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