How to improve idling quality?
Key Word:Idling Quality,Traffic Spirit

Idling Quality Level:
Worst: 0~29 Score.
Bad: 30~49 Score.
Normal: 50~69 Score.
Good: 70~79 Score.
Best: 80~100 Score.
Less score,less idling task,then get less points,more score,more idling task,then get more points.

Way to improve idling quality:
1, It will be higher quality to use the latest version of Spirit.It will reduce points if using older version.
2, It's higher idling quality to use PC.It's a little low quality to use server and virtual machine.
3, PC hardware configuration recommendation at least:4 core CPU,8G memory,10M bandwidth.Better configuration,higher idling quality.
4, It's recommended to use stable bandwidth like AT&T,VERIAZON.It's bad to choose unstable network enviroment for idling quality.
5, Don't use cracked Spirit by 3rd party.If using it,there would be safty problem and bad idling quality.
6, Don't run other software with high CPU usage when idling,especially for same kind.If using it,there would be out of response and bad idling quality.
7, Don't open and close Spirit frequently.Keep Spirit run smoothly in the long time.
8, Don't change IP frequently.Don't use proxy IP and some unknown region IP.
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