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Hello, - Rank: Balance: - USD
Hello,if any question please contact us, Email: contact@ipts.com, Skype: contact@ipts.com Computer Mobile Top-up Account
Seller: - Price: USD/10,000 Integral Skype: 3rd Shopping:
Notes:1.Your information will be displayed in the seller list section when the seller status is enable and buyers who need to purchase points can see and directly contact you.When the your seller status is disable, the seller list section
will not display your information.
2.At least 100,000 available points are required in the seller account to enable the seller status. If the available points are below 100,000, the seller information will not be displayed in the seller list section;
3.Buyers who need to purchase points can refer to the seller list section information, directly contact the chosed seller,discuss the points price and transaction method.our recommend the use of a third-party online shopping
transaction platform(such as, amazon,paypal,ebay platform).
4.For the risks arising from the buyser and seller points transaction, offical site does not assume any responsibility, and the buyers and sellers need to evaluate and control the risks by themselves.

Seller List:
Avaible Integral Price Contact 3rd Shopping
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